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印度乃油鮮菇 Butter Mushrooms


「印度奶油雞」是一道印度餐廳必備的料理,但要吃到植物性的並不容易。Plants 創造了沒有奶油也沒有雞,但一樣香濃美味的印度乃油醬,搭配鮮嫩的蕈菇和有機時令蔬菜,就是最適合冬天的暖胃料理了。


/ / 印度乃油鮮菇 / /


| 醬汁食材 |

/ 辛香 /

300 g 洋蔥、切丁 或 用 Magimix 食物調理機稍微打碎

10 g 蒜頭、去皮拍扁

20 g 薑、切片 或 用 Magimix 食物調理機稍微打碎

/ 香料 /

1 湯匙 甜椒粉

1 湯匙 中辣咖哩粉

1 + 1/2 茶匙 芫荽粉

1/2 茶匙 孜然粉

1/2 茶匙 錫蘭肉桂粉

1/2 茶匙 卡宴辣椒 (辣度依個人喜好調整)

1 + 1/4 茶匙 湖鹽

1/4 茶匙 黑胡椒粉

/ 蔬菜 /

450 g 番茄、切塊 或 用 Magimix 食物調理機稍微打碎

125 g 南瓜、去皮切塊 或 用 Magimix 食物調理機稍微打碎

125 g 胡蘿蔔、帶皮切塊 或 用 Magimix 食物調理機稍微打碎

/ 液體 /

2 湯匙 檸檬汁

400 ml 高脂椰奶 (留少許擺盤使用)

100 ml 水

/ 配料 & 其他食材 /

500 g 秀珍菇、蘑菇、鮮香菇

適量 時令蔬菜、川燙

少許 高脂椰奶

少許 香菜

6 碗 多穀米飯

適量 酪梨油

| 步驟 |

1. 中火熱鍋倒入少許酪梨油,油熱後加入洋蔥炒至上色。

2. 加入蒜頭、薑,炒至香味出來。

3. 加入「香料」食材,炒香。

4. 加入切塊「蔬菜」食材,翻炒。

5. 加入「液體 」食材,滾後中小火悶煮20分鐘,稍微冷卻。

6. 冷卻後放入 Magimix 食物處理機(此份量適用中杯),攪拌至滑順。

7. 將醬汁倒回鍋中,加入菇類小火悶煮30分鐘,至入味即可。

8. 將乃油鮮姑盛入碗盤中,淋上椰奶、香菜,搭配時令蔬菜和多穀米飯食用。

Butter Chicken is a staple dish in every Indian restaurant, but not easy to come across if you follow a plant-based diet. We have created a spicy, creamy and flavourful butter “chicken”, without any dairy butter nor chicken. Serve this delicious curry with seasonal veggies, multi-grain rice and it becomes the perfect meal for the winter!

We are sharing our proud creation with you, so you too can make this delicious and nutritious dish at home.


serves 6

| sauce ingredients |

/ fresh spices /

300 g onions, diced

10 g garlic, smashed

20 g ginger, sliced

/ dry spices /

1 Tbsp paprika, ground

1 Tbsp curry powder, medium spicy

1 + 1/2 tsp coriander, ground

1/2 tsp cumin, ground

1/2 tsp ceylon cinnamon, ground

1/2 tsp cayenne pepper, ground (adjust as desired)

1 + 1/4 tsp salt

1/4 tsp black pepper, ground

/ vegetables /

450 g tomatoes, chopped

125 g pumpkin, peeled & chopped

125 g carrot, unpeeled & chopped

/ liquids /

2 Tbsp lemon juice

400 ml high fat coconut milk (reserve some for plating)

100 ml water

/ other ingredients /

500 g oyster mushroom, button mushroom, shiitake mushroom

as desired seasonal vegetables, blanched

a drizzle high fat coconut mylk

handful cilantro

6 servings multi-grain rice

some avocado oil, for cooking

| steps |

1. Heat up some avocado oil in a pot, add in the diced onions, cook until brown.

2. Add in the rest of the fresh spices, cook until you can smell the garlic.

3. Add in the dry spices, give it a stir.

4. Add in the vegetables, give it a stir.

5. Add in the liquids, cook until boiled, then cover to cook on medium-low heat for 20 mins.

6. Chill slightly, then process the sauce in the Magimix food processor (in the medium bowl) until very smooth.

7. Pour the sauce back into the pot along with the mushrooms, cover to cook on low heat for 30 minutes or until the mushrooms are completely braised. Stir every 10 minutes.

8. Serve with blanched vegetables, multi-grain rice, with a drizzle of coconut mylk and a sprinkle of cilantro.

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